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European Project adressing
the safety
of blood transfusion
Publications of the Project participants (related to the Public Health Programme):
1. EUBIS: Updated-Information of the SOP-Manual. (Ed. E. Seifried and C. Seidl), 2007. PDF-Download from the Homepage of the EUBIS Consortium using.
2. European best practice in blood transfusion: improvement of quality-related processes in blood establishments. C Seidl, M O’Connell, F Delayney, P van Krimpen, A McMillan Douglas, M Gorham, M Letowska, L Sobaga, J de Wit, E Seifried on behalf of the Project’s participant. ISBT Science Series, Vox Sanguinis, Volume 2 (1), p143-9, 2007.
3. EU-Q-Blood SOP Survey Report. Overview of the blood establishment structure, capacity and background in SOP systems including highest risk areas. Version 1.6 (Ed. E. Seifried and C. Seidl). March 2006, PDF-Download from the Homepage of the EUBIS Consortium using.
4. EU-Q-Blood-SOP: Development of pan European quality management in transfusion medicine. C Seidl, E. Schellenberg, R. Henschler, A. McMillan Douglas, CS SMit Sibinga, M. Gorham, M. Letowska, J. DeWit, E. Seifried. Abstract Presentation, 24th International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), Capetown, South Africa; Vox Sanguinis, Vol 93 (Suppl 3) 2PS-01-03, p6, 2006.
5. European Quality Management in Transfusion Medicine. C Seidl, E. Schellenberg, R. Henschler, A. McMillan Douglas, CS Smit Sibinga, M. Gorham, M. Letowska, J. DeWit, E. Seifried. Abstract Presentation Joint Congress German Society of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematology (DGTI) with the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT), Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, Vol 33 (Suppl 1), OS6.1, p14, 2006.
6. EU-Q-Blood-SOP: A European initiative developing quality management criteria. Abstract Presentation 14th Annual Congress of the German Society for Immunogenetics (DGI), Meeting Proceedings, P13, p38, 2006.
7. EU-Q-BLOOD-SOP: Developmemt of European quality management in transfusion medicine. C Seidl, E Schellenberg, L Sobaga, M O’Connell, P van Krimpen, A McMillan Douglas, M Gorham, M Letowska, J de Wit, E Seifried on behalf of the Project’s participant. Transfusion Today, Volume 69, p8-10, 2006.
8. European Blood Inspection System (EUBIS): A concept for developing and implementing commonly accepted criteria and standards to ensure equivalent recognition of inspection of blood establishments among Member States. Seidl C, Sireis W, Brixner V, Siegel W, Costello P, Cermakova Z, Delaney F, McMillan Douglas A, Gorham M, de Wit J, Seifried E. Transfus Med Hemother, 34(S1), P10.03; 2007
9. European Public Health Programme: The EU-Q-Blood-SOP manual for implementing quality management systems following the blood directive 2002/98/EC and its technical annexes. Invited Speaker summary, Seidl C, Sobaga L, O’Connel M, Delaney F, McMillan Douglas A, van Krimpen P, Letowska M, Slopecki A, deWit J, Seifried E on behalf of the Project’s participant. 10th European Haemovigilance Seminar, Frankfurt, February 2008.
10. Development of Pan-European Standards and criteria for the inspection of blood establishments (Eu-Blood-Inspection) – EuBIS. Seidl C, Cermakova Z, Costello P, Delanay F, McMillan Douglas A, Siegel W, Slopecki A, Sobaga L, De Wit J, Seifried E. 30th International congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), Macao, Vox Sanguinis, 95(Supp 1): P525, 249, 2008.
11. Quality and safety aspects of blood components related to the European blood directives and the public health programme of the European Commission. Seidl C, Bregeon T, Cermakova Z, Costello P, Delanay F, Huber HM, Nightingale M, McMillan Douglas A, Siegel W, Sireis W, Sobaga L, Jansen Van Galen P, DeWit J, Seifried E. 19th Regional Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), Cairo, Egypt, March 21-25, Vox Sanguinis 96 (Supp 1), P-019, 69-70, 2009
12. Regulation and directive requirements – Session I: Seifried E, de Wit J, The EUBIS standards for inspection of blood establishments Seidl C, The EU Blood and Tissue directive for quality safety. Bregeon Th. Regulatory inspection following EU directive. Huber H, Inspection of tissue and cells facilities (The EUSTITE). Fehily D, Teskrat F. EuBIS Training Exercises – Preparing for Regulatory Inspections. Van Galen JP, Hinloopen B, Aquilina A, Ceulemans J, Teskrat F, Cermakova S, Barotine Toth K. 31st International Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), Berlin, Germany, 26th of June – 1st of July 2010.
13. European Blood Inspection Project (EuBIS) Manual on common criteria and standards for the inspection of blood establishments. Seidl C, Seifried E (Editoren). Manual published under the Public Health Programme of the European Commission. Edition 1.0, June 2010.
14. European Blood Inspection Project (EuBIS) Inspection/audit training guide on common criteria and standards for the inspection of blood establishments. Seidl C, Seifried E (Editoren). Manual published under the Public Health Programme of the Europen Commission. Edition 1.0, Juni 2010.